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#25 Powerful Affirmations to get you started

Back in 2009, I was newly introduced to"The Secret to Teen Power" by Paul Harrington. I was surprised to know that my brain can do more than I think it can.

Affirmations were the fundamental part of shaping my subconscious. Books such as "Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr Joseph Murphy, "The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer and "A Course In Miracles", guided me to many effective affirmations I could use instantly.

Here are 25 Simple Affirmations which I have been using for years, these are the pillars on which I build my new Affirmations.
  1. In the infinity of life where I am all is perfect whole and complete, and yet life is ever changing there is no beginning and no end, only constant cycling and recycling of substance and experience.
  2. My journey through life is vibrant and peaceful.
  3. Reality is safe and secure and wholly kind to everyone and everything.
  4. I can do this.
  5. Every thought I have can be energy calibrated.
  6. I refuse to see lack, I have abundance.
  7. I am creative, I am kind, I am a good human being. 
  8. It only matters what I think about myself.
  9. ...It's only one-half of the one-millionth of a per cent of what's possible...
  10. I am worthy.
  11. I forgive myself for all the expectations and pain which was never mine.
  12. I open myself to the wisdom within me, knowing that that is only one intelligence in this universe.
  13. I love each and every cell in my body.
  14. My mind and my body are in perfect balance. I am a harmonious being.
  15. I stop sabotaging my self internally and externally, I deserve to be loved, respected and valued.
  16. I have within me all the ingredients for success.
  17. Every moment in my life is a new beginning. I love, love and love myself.
  18. I treat my self with unconditional love.
  19. I am taking the next step in my healing.
  20. The moment I say a positive affirmation as I step out of the victim role.
  21. I create wonderful new beliefs for myself.
  22. It is only a thought and a thought can be changed.
  23. I am absolutely willing to see my magnificence.
  24. My motto for this week is: I choose joy.   
  25. I dissolve the anger, guilt, resentment, most importantly the need to control everything.
These are my most used affirmations. I am curious to know some of your best affirmations, in the comments below or you can email me at


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